It took a long time before the fighter could look at Sole without giggling or smiling stupidly, but she was less amused when it happened to herself a few months later, and now it was Sole’s turn to laugh.Ĭurie: Curie didn’t understand at all, and started asking many, many questions after she had stopped crying in panic and had been reassured three times that it wasn’t blood, that Sole was fine and unhurt. It was probably half an hour before she stopped laughing, but then she looked over at Sole who was trying fruitlessly to get the paint off and she once again broke down into laughter.
She could absolutely not stop laughing whatsoever. This was a small, fun one! I can’t believe the Fallout 4 community is still alive (-ish)!Ĭait: Cait got so worried and panicked when she saw the redness on Sole, but quickly realized what it wasn’t blood, since she had been in enough fights to recognize blood.